In 1946, Aimée Durand succeeded her father in his weaving workshop and with the help of her husband created the "Du Chat" brand, going from simple weaving to the creation of small strapless suits that every French woman wears under her dress. Aimée's intuition was right, the success of the under-dresses is there and Du Chat's products, reputed to be indestructible, are loved by all French women.
In 1975, the lingerie changed its name from "Du Chat" to "Le Chat" following the arrival of Aimée's son in the company. Women's lives had changed, as had their needs and their wardrobes. The brand moved towards more modern lingerie and invested in their first homewear line in 1985 to keep up with the strong desire for cocooning that was sweeping France.
Today, Le Chat is a world-renowned brand for its quality homewear collections, and the curiosity, passion for materials and demand for quality that have made the brand so successful are more alive than ever.
Adopt Le Chat with our selections of homewear and dresses available now at Place des Tendances.
Check out the Le Chat private sales on Place des Tendances regularly.
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