The fanciful universe of Les Néréides draws its inspiration from travel. The two designers, jewellery collectors and enthusiasts Pascale and Enzo, gaze in wonderment at stalls all over the world. From the pop-up markets of India to New York garage sales, from Waterloo, Clignancourt, Vanves, or even Thailand, Pascale and Enzo bring back treasures from every single one of their trips. Old dolls, night lights, statuettes, vintage jewellery, tables and trinkets... each object with sentimental value feeds the fertile imaginations of its creators.
The House, Les Néréides was founded in 1980 in Nice by Pascale and Enzo Amaddeo, they offer unique high-fantasy jewellery creations. A true family business of French origin, it owes its name to the grandfather of the founders, a friend of the famous painter Magritte. Daughters of the God Nereus, the Nereids have the ability to constantly reinvent themselves and represent the company's conviction to constantly innovate its creations in order to remain in tune with current trends.
The designer couple draws its inspiration from their various travels, their strolls through flea markets and their return to the countryside. Inspired by nature and animals, they fill their sketchbooks with cosmopolitan landscapes, lush vegetation and a captivating bestiary. Les Néréides is a resolutely bucolic jewellery brand where flowers and animals are at the heart of its refined creations.
You can regularly find Les Néréides private sales on Place des Tendances.